Deathwish Direct Distribution

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Online Wholesale Ordering Available Now!

Did you know? You can place your wholesale order directly through our online store at This is great for stores looking for up to date inventory information and also allows us to process and ship your order quicker. It's very easy to set up your wholesale account on our site. Just follow these steps.

1. Go to and create an account. (Click "Create New Account" in the top right corner)

2. Fill out all required information and click the "Save" button.

3. Once you have completed creating an account with the Deathwish Store, e-mail the e-mail address or username you used to sign up for the store. 

4. We will then activate your account and notify you.  Once you log onto your account again the prices on the store will reflect the wholesale cost of the item. (Some items are not available for wholesale which is why you will not see a change price)